What’s New
Alzheimer’s Risk: Fish or Meat?
Dementia Risk: Fish or Meat? Do fish lovers suffer less dementia than meat eaters? It would be good to know if those omega-3 oils really do have something going for them when it comes to neuroprotection. After all, Alzheimers Disease is one of the most feared down sides of the Longevity Boom. Including omega-3 oils in the diet is not just about ... more
Fitness, CoQ10 and Statins
Fitness, Ageing, CoQ10 and Statins Attention elderly marathon runners (and those of you with more modest fitness goals). Do you seem to be running out of gas? If so, you may be experiencing the effects of a decrease in levels of a vital substance called CoEnzyme Q10, the cause of which may be either age-related, diet-related and/or drug-related. ... more
Reduce Brain Plaque Now
Are your brain neurones beginning to malfunction? Alzheimer’s Disease affects many millions of people worldwide. It’s one of the most feared diseases of the ageing process. Investing in brain health is a choice many longevityboomers are making. Alzheimer’s Disease involves damage to the neurones rather than the vascular system. In the brai ... more
Power Naps, Siestas and Forty Winks
Grandpa was a devotee of the siesta. He called it “forty winks” and it was the ritual of lying down after a hard day of manual labour and maybe nodding off for a while. Not culturally sanctified on the job in suburban Australia, he managed to fit it in, mid-afternoon when he arrived home. “Forty winks” is an old English expression which just goe ... more
What’s to Love about Tomatoes?
Getting your 2 plus 5 or just eating pizza again? When it comes to stroke prevention, the story starts to get interesting. “A diet high in fruits anad vegetables is associated with a lower risk of stroke”, according to Dr Jouni Karppi of the University of Eastern Finland. However, Karppi’s group particularly extols the virtues of a natural phytoch ... more
Probiotics and Obesity
Gut bacteria linked to obesity? How is that possible? Maybe you didn’t realize that the microbial cells in your gut (some people call them bugs) outnumber human cells 10 to 1. What’s more, they weigh about one and a half kilograms not counting those that cover our skin and mucous membranes. The fact that so many of our cells are microbial has got ... more
Tai Chi Helps Chemobrain
Tai chi is a gentle approach to exercise and relaxation that is ideal for anyone experiencing a lower level of fitness or general slow-down after surgery. It can be adapted for various disabilities (including wheelchairs). Tai chi has been practised for many years as a stress-management technique to improve cancer survival. The side effects of can ... more
Food for Thought

Talk Death, Eat Cake
Can’t talk about it? Don’t even want to think about it? It may be time to stop avoiding the D-word. If a niggling voice somewhere is whispering that this is a block you need to work through, then mark your calendar for this year’s “Dying to Know Day”. If you happen to be living in […]

Tagore, life and death
“When I go from hence let this be my parting word, that what I have seen is unsurpassable. I have tasted of the hidden honey of this lotus that expands on the ocean of light, and thus am I blessed—let this be my parting word.” Contemplating questions of life and death? Please take a moment […]

Emotional Intelligence for Planet Earth
Are we really all that smart? No question that intelligence is important, but it may be that our EQ (“emotional intelligence”) is just as important as our IQ when it comes to longevity. That’s because EQ may be the key factor in increasing resilience and the ability to handle stress. Lower stress levels, either innate […]

Living Beyond The Bucket List
The unexpected has no respect for bucket lists. Our latter years are not all fun and games, and life can and does creep up with the bucket list, however it might be imagined, still glaringly incomplete. Perhaps a heart attack arrives out of the blue, and things can change. So it goes for many. So […]
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Food & Recipes

Hidden Carbs – the Liquid “Fructose Hit”
Watching what you drink is not just about alcohol consumption. The so-called … [Read More...]

New Nordic Diet/Cuisine
Have you heard about the New Nordic Diet (NND)? It’s catching on so fast that … [Read More...]

Alzheimer’s Risk: Fish or Meat?
Dementia Risk: Fish or Meat? Do fish lovers suffer less dementia than meat … [Read More...]

Carrot Juice and Keffir Spicy Shake
Try this smoothie to soothe the stomach and digestive tract. For one serving … [Read More...]
Affordable Ageing

Lower Stress, Healthy Heart
Meditation and stress management techniques are as effective as any other … [Read More...]

Birdsong – The Essential Soundtrack
With 7 billion of us on the planet, it’s becoming a very noisy place. Maybe you … [Read More...]

Power Naps, Siestas and Forty Winks
Grandpa was a devotee of the siesta. He called it “forty winks” and it was the … [Read More...]

The House to Ourselves
Perhaps while the kids were growing up you, like English writer, Virginia Woolf, … [Read More...]