Magnesium for hot flushes

Magnesium has been found to reduce hot flushes in women experiencing early menopause as the result of treatment for breast cancer. Chronic magnesium deficiency affects the large number of people in western society, so research into the use of magnesium for hot flushes might be useful for all menopausal women, not just cancer patients. […]

Chicken Soup for Aching Hearts

No, this isn’t an excerpt from Chicken Soup for the Grieving Soul.  It’s about chicken soup for the immune system. It’s great to have the support of emotionally sustaining stories,  but don’t forget to also nourish the white cells that help keep you physically well during difficult times. Severe emotional stress can definitely lead to […]

Lemon/Maple/Cayenne Detox Drink

Another great longevity boosting “double whammy”. Try it as a daily “kick start”. It’s a good choice for a one day fast, when you would need at least 6 glasses during the day.  (Note: You might read about people embarking on long fasts using Lemon/Maple Syrup/Cayenne.  We don’t recommend fasting for more than 3 days […]

Waldorf Salad

Waldorf Salad, diet secret of New Yorkers since the Belle Epoque Developed at the end of the 19th century in the kitchen of the famous Waldorf Astoria Hotel by the maitre d’hotel, Oscar Tschirky.  His original recipe contained only apples and celery with mayonnaise (not out of a bottle – they made their own in […]