Emotional Intelligence for Planet Earth

Are we really all that smart?  No question that intelligence is important, but it may be that our EQ (“emotional intelligence”) is just as important as our IQ when it comes to longevity.  That’s because EQ may be the key factor in increasing resilience and the ability to handle stress.  Lower stress levels, either innate […]

Hidden Carbs – the Liquid “Fructose Hit”

Watching what you drink is not just about alcohol consumption.  The so-called “fructose hit” – the daily consumption of sweetened drinks – is a major change in the carbohydrate consumption of millions of people worldwide.  Are you aware, for example, of the number of calories you get from the liquids you consume?  Fruit juices, soft […]

Lower Stress, Healthy Heart

Meditation and stress management techniques are as effective as any other approach to cardiovascular health.  As we get older, stress management is more important than ever. According to Dr Robert Buist, Sydney complementary medicine practitioner, there’s a subgroup of cardiovascular patients who aren’t successful in lowering risk factors using lifestyle improvements like smoking, drinking, eating.  […]

Birdsong – The Essential Soundtrack

With 7 billion of us on the planet, it’s becoming a very noisy place.  Maybe you haven’t noticed yet but recorded birdsong is beginning to appear, anywhere from blogs and websites to airport lounges and service station toilets.  Seems good sound may be starting to equate to good business. Natural sound may also help you […]

Alzheimer’s Risk: Fish or Meat?

Dementia Risk: Fish or Meat? Do fish lovers suffer less dementia than meat eaters?  It would be good to know if those omega-3 oils really do have something going for them when it comes to neuroprotection.  After all, Alzheimers Disease is one of the most feared down sides of the Longevity Boom. Including omega-3 oils […]

Electrosmog and the Radiation Epidemic

Running out of steam before your due date?  For many of us something seems to be happening to that mysterious energy or life force. No doubt it does start to wane as we age but environmental factors can have a big effect on the speed at which this happens.  What’s more, there’s much more to […]

Reduce Brain Plaque Now

Are your brain neurones beginning to malfunction?  Alzheimer’s Disease affects many millions of people worldwide.  It’s one of the most feared diseases of the ageing process.  Investing in brain health is a choice many longevityboomers are making. Alzheimer’s Disease involves damage to the neurones rather than the vascular system. In the brain we can get […]

Tell Me About Telomeres

Which baby boomer doesn’t remember the television show which ran through the 70s and 80s called Days of Our Lives?  Even the most discerning viewer surely managed to be somewhere where somebody’s aunty was watching it. So you might remember the intro line……”Like Sands Through the Hourglass are the Days of Our Lives”. Yes, I […]

Power Naps, Siestas and Forty Winks

Grandpa was a devotee of the siesta.  He called it “forty winks” and it was  the ritual of lying down after a hard day of manual labour and maybe nodding off for a while.  Not culturally sanctified on the job in suburban Australia, he managed to fit it in, mid-afternoon when he arrived home. “Forty winks” is an […]

Carrot Juice and Keffir Spicy Shake

Try this smoothie to soothe the stomach and digestive tract. For one serving you will need: 2-3 large carrots Small knob of fresh ginger 3 tablespoons Keffir (or natural yogurt) 1/2 banana Optional: 1 teaspoon of PURE maple syrup (Do NOT use maple syrup substitutes.) Pinch of cinnamon Pinch of nutmeg Method: Juice fresh carrots […]