Hidden Carbs – the Liquid “Fructose Hit”

Watching what you drink is not just about alcohol consumption.  The so-called “fructose hit” – the daily consumption of sweetened drinks – is a major change in the carbohydrate consumption of millions of people worldwide.  Are you aware, for example, of the number of calories you get from the liquids you consume?  Fruit juices, soft […]

Probiotics and Obesity

Gut bacteria linked to obesity?  How is that possible? Maybe you didn’t realize that the microbial cells in your gut (some people call them bugs) outnumber human cells 10 to 1. What’s more, they weigh about one and a half kilograms not counting those that cover our skin and mucous membranes. The fact that so […]

Pine Nuts – New Diet Secret

Pine nuts make you feel full. The secret ingredient is picolinic acid which acts on hormones that signal the brain to stop eating. Satiety is a greatly sought after quality in the diet industry, which is why pine nuts are included in many diet products. And for every gram of saturated fat, they contain over […]

Happy Easter for Chocoholics

The research hasn’t been done yet into a direct link between chocolate consumption and longevity. But both the anecdotes and the science are appealing. Sarah Knauss, who lived to 119, enjoyed a kilo of chocolate each week.  So did Jeanne Calment, who lived to 122.  Seems Jeanne was persuaded to give up chocolate by her […]

Why Chai?

Did you know that one teaspoon of mixed spice contains all the antioxidants you will need in a day? Adding spices enhances the already considerable antioxidant properties of tea.  Chai tea is a simple, affordable longevity booster.   Chai tea has been enjoyed in south Asia for thousands of years, both for its taste and […]