Emotional Intelligence for Planet Earth

Are we really all that smart?  No question that intelligence is important, but it may be that our EQ (“emotional intelligence”) is just as important as our IQ when it comes to longevity.  That’s because EQ may be the key factor in increasing resilience and the ability to handle stress.  Lower stress levels, either innate […]

Lower Stress, Healthy Heart

Meditation and stress management techniques are as effective as any other approach to cardiovascular health.  As we get older, stress management is more important than ever. According to Dr Robert Buist, Sydney complementary medicine practitioner, there’s a subgroup of cardiovascular patients who aren’t successful in lowering risk factors using lifestyle improvements like smoking, drinking, eating.  […]

Birdsong – The Essential Soundtrack

With 7 billion of us on the planet, it’s becoming a very noisy place.  Maybe you haven’t noticed yet but recorded birdsong is beginning to appear, anywhere from blogs and websites to airport lounges and service station toilets.  Seems good sound may be starting to equate to good business. Natural sound may also help you […]

Tai Chi Helps Chemobrain

Tai chi is a gentle approach to exercise and relaxation that is ideal for anyone experiencing a lower level of fitness or general slow-down after surgery. It can be adapted for various disabilities (including wheelchairs). Tai chi has been practised for many years as a stress-management technique to improve cancer survival.  The side effects of […]