Jewel of autumn, ruby treasure – pomegranates are hot news these days, and not just in the culinary world. Extract of pomegranate may be the next best natural anti-inflammatory. You may have noticed that the pomegranate has been making restaurant headlines for quite a while. More and more we see these small, shiny dark red […]
Tried Tai Chi?
Many claim that this gentle martial art can help reduce stress, improve sleep, increase energy and improve balance and flexibility. It involves a range of slow movements that that have been practiced for centuries. Tai Chi is not a religious practice although its roots date back to the ancient Chinese philosophy of balance and harmony. […]
Save the Beetroot
Save the Humble Beet! Beetroot, we need you! This purple vegetable is said to fight cancer, lower blood pressure, fight dementia and some are starting to think it’s as good an energy drink as a Red Bull. Purple superfoods are the way of the future, or at least we hope they will be. Australian entrepreneur, […]