Pine Nuts – New Diet Secret

Pine nuts make you feel full. The secret ingredient is picolinic acid which acts on hormones that signal the brain to stop eating. Satiety is a greatly sought after quality in the diet industry, which is why pine nuts are included in many diet products. And for every gram of saturated fat, they contain over […]

Green Pesto Pasta

Ingredients for Pasta: 2 cups pasta of choice 1 tablespoon olive oil, plus small knob of butter ½ cup mushrooms, sliced 1 tablespoon pinenuts 1 eschalot 1 bunch asparagus, cut into slices (discarding tough ends) 1 cup broccoli flowerets 1/2 cup snow peas (mangetout), sliced Ingredients for Pesto Sauce: 2 cups fresh basil leaves 2 […]

Recipe for Home Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Only roast pumpkin seeds with the shells on. You can use seeds taken from a whole pumpkin but first wash them to remove pumpkin sinew and leave to air dry overnight.  Otherwise, buy raw (unsalted) pumpkin seeds.Many recipes suggest roasting pumpkin seeds at temperatures up to or above 200C (400F).  Unfortunately high temperatures and fats/oils […]