Honouring Older Artists – Judy Cassab

A retrospective of the work of renowned Australian portrait artist, Judy Cassab, has recently opened at Sydney’s Eva Breuer Gallery and will run over the summer – a very special opportunity for locals and other visitors to view the work of an artist who is twice winner of Australia’s top portraiture prize, the Archibald.  She […]

Older Vegetarians Take Note

Do you eat tofu and drink soy milk?  Good for you, right?  Less allergenic, right? Soy products have been promoted as health smart, with Japanese statistics for breast cancer, etc used as evidence. Some even go so far as to list tofu in their personal collection of “superfoods”. Before you throw another tofu kebab on […]

Save the Beetroot

Save the Humble Beet! Beetroot, we need you!  This purple vegetable is said to fight cancer, lower blood pressure, fight dementia and some are starting to think it’s as good an energy drink as a Red Bull. Purple superfoods are the way of the future, or at least we hope they will be. Australian entrepreneur, […]